
Judith Wyle, M. Arch, AIA assoc.
M. Arch - SCI-ARC '88
B.A. American Studies - UCLA, magna cum laude
Areas of Experience:
Architectural Design,
US & International
Set Design, Feature Films
Theater Facility Design
Exhibit Design
Art Direction
ADA Compliance
Historic Restoration, Sensitive Additions & Renovations
Executive Committee Member, Historic Architecture Protection Board- by appointment of the City of Los Angeles Historic Cultural Commission,
Land Use and Planning, Community Engagement
National Historic and Local Preservation Compliance
Analysis of Environmentally Sensitive, Geologically Challenging Sites for Building Suitability ​​
Get In Touch
All images on this site represent the designs of Judith Wyle, M. Arch and are copyright protected.

Actual shower forms a bridge joining the upper floor to the "hero" wall. A building long skylight allows light to animate the reflective wall as the sun travels across the sky, illuminating what would have otherwise been the dark heart of the home.

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